![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:29 • Filed to: kinjaissues | ![]() | ![]() |
since I cant reply to dusty direct for some reason here is what i wanted to say.
i just saw that, it seems we had our own NSFW issue, but it got sorted. Gawker Media unfortunately has a much larger user base and accordingly unfortunately a lower set of standards as a result. We here in Oppo and Jalopnik vaguely know who is who and as a result there can be pressure applied to someone who wont follow the mod rules and posts stuff like that. Gawker Media however is obsessed with clicks and unique visitors = ad clicks = $$$, as a result they go with the dictum of let everything go and hope its OK. They really don't care for one demo graph or another be it women or what have you.
I really feel bad for Gawker users for don't post this shit but have to deal with it,
I feel worse for the Gawker commentators who are women who have to watch and accept that Gawker doesnt care about them whatsoever.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:33 |
Nick Denton don't care; Nick Denton gomma get paid anyway.
Hopefully the spammers will be booted out along with the trolled described in the Jez article.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:34 |
I don't see our NSFW posts and these rape gifs as similar items. The NSFW posts were (or should have been) carefully posted and orchestrated in such a way that anyone not wanting to see NSFW content never had to while browsing the Oppositelock main page. These gifs being posted to Jezebel stories have no warning and are forced upon anyone viewing the articles on Jezebel's main page.
That being said, I sympathize with the Jezzies and hope Gawker can figure out a solution to this.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:35 |
I get wanting to provide an anonymous outlet for people to reach out to gawker but I don't see why it is a commenting system and not more of a direct message to gawker staff.
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In the long run it will lose them some money but I think that they allow burners is the real issue. Make people sign in with a Twitter/FB account, I know they can just create fake accounts there but it still may slow them down.
We also shouldn't be giving this issue any light of day, the ol' saying "Don't feed the trolls" applies big time. Let them get bored and then run off to another website to make a mess where people get all fired up over it.
I think people should have to put their names to the things they do online, but it will never happen.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:37 |
i know that our NSFW stuff is nothing like whats being posted, i just used it as a comparison of pictures of stuff not everyone wants or needs to see. Yes the Jez stuff is much worse but frankly porn is porn. Neither is SFW - some is worse then others.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:37 |
until Gawker allows IP bans or active living mods - nothing will happen :(
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:38 |
yea that was my first thought too. that dude just got a huge boner over the recognition hes been given.
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Hopefully they get it resolved. Gawker does tend to cater to the lowest common denominator though.
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asking 25k ppl to not complain or feed the troll when they post stuff to shock ppl into reacting is whats hard..
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I can't reply to it either, but I'm worried about the possible solutions. As a legitimate burner with no other available options I hope the solution isn't to block all burner posting.
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what do you mean??
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you dont have a gmail or facebook account?
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:40 |
So much this. I get that they need some sort of anonymous system for tips. That's good. I don't understand why it has to be in the comments. Why would someone bury a tip in a story instead of just direct messaging somehow (is there a way to message without e-mailing?).
TL;DR: Kinja sucks.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:40 |
So long as Oppo posts are going up on the Jalopnik front page we're by no means immune. The troll that went after Mkolabin wasn't a member of Oppo, so there was no way to apply any kind of pressure or influence. And keep in mind you don't have to be an author on Oppo to post comments in Oppo. We could just as easily get someone from the outside who decides they have beef (or, say, someone who's anti-car culture) and decides to post inflammatory comments/images randomly.
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you cant stop the attention...its rape porn - that kind of shit gets ppl blood boiling whether you like it or not.
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oh with that said I felt the article got melodramatic and way over done at the end. Hostile work environment? Have you ever seen the way authors are "verbally" treated? That's far more hostile than some horrible images. You work on the internet on a website associated with deadspin. Get over it. Welcome to the internet.
I don't disagree that it is a problem to be dealt with but wow was that a pity party at the end.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:41 |
See my post... I can't access any social networks through work. That makes a burner my only option.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:42 |
- Only allow burners to post text
- Bring back the grey
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:42 |
Unfortunately, "that dude" has definitely NOT gotten bored. I'm pretty sure the straw that broke the camel's back this morning was them fouling up the comments of a story on the girl who pitched a no-hitter in the Little League World Series. Relentless, shameless and clearly needs to go outside and join the real world after some serious therapy.
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Normally that's my policy on trolls as well, but this one has been going at it for months. Clearly he's not planning on going anywhere.
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Oh I do not deny that at all, someone will always try and swing the moral battle axe down, and that is perfectly fine in my mind. But the kind of person who would post those gifs is same type of person who just wants to rustle jimmies for his own sick enjoyment.
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Can't login to gmail or facebook due to social media being blocked which means I can't login to my regular account period.
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Honestly there's no reason they can't just use anonymous e-mail services like hushmail. They are super secure and require no info from users.
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Wait, what happened with Mkolabin?
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you're right Dusty we're not, however we self regulate fairly well, and the Oppo community is pretty decent and like i said, we know the regular posters fairly well. That works in our favor, but yea outsiders can still do whatever they like.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:43 |
I think there's enough positive contributors with burner accounts that they wouldn't dare block burners outright. Hopefully they just add IP recording and the ability to block troublesome IP's, as the original article asks.
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hes enjoying himself too much..
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As someone who moderated Forzamotorsports.net blocking IPs isn't all that it is cracked up to be in terms of dealing with an issue like this.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:46 |
Some burner targeted him a while back. First with insults from multiple accounts, then with a clone parody account (same profile photo, Same name except with the number "1" used in place of the letter "l"). He made asshole comments on multiple articles to make it look like Mkolabin was the one trolling, presumably trying to get Mkolabin banned.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:46 |
If Gawker just had a right sized team of volunteer mods...like, you know, 99% of internet forums, this wouldn't be an issue. Of course you then get the ubiquitous brown nosing and mod drama...but that's better than these images.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:46 |
Ah, I must of missed where this is an ongoing thing. We have arrived at a location where all that internet monitoring done by those big, bad, government types could allow us to find and stop this person. As long as this person doesn't spend anytime on Giz or Lifehacker to learn how to stop that from happening.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:47 |
look at Oppo - we seem to be doing well.
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Just wondering here Dusty, but why does your avatar picture have a checkmark? Is it like the FB "Verified" thing? Or did you add it yourself?
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:49 |
That's like saying working in construction or an auto plant means you should just "get over it," which is not the case in this day and age. And FWIW Deadspin's been more progressive than some other Gawker affiliates lately.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:49 |
I think this is someone with a vendetta. Someone fundamentally opposed to everything Jezebel stands for and committed to making the environment there as unpleasant as he can. Prior to today's article he got little notoriety, authors would swoop in and ban him quickly with as little fanfare as possible, hoping he'd get bored and leave. This is the first time anyone's really spotlighted him.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:51 |
hmm now,..with what hes posted, i think hes crossed the 'post obscene materials online' he can now be criminally charged right? any lawyers in the house want to jump in on this?
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:52 |
It means you're "following" him, and/or he's THE GODDESS OF VICTORY.
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I'm wondering how you brought Gawker into the mix. Dusty's post was about Jezebel and Gawker Media , not gawker.com
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:52 |
Not sure. I actually can't see the check mark on my picture. I remember check marks being discussed a while back, but can't remember what they mean.
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Like I said. The issue should be dealt with, but to call it a hostile work environment when the commentors have probably said some far more abusive things is a bit of a reach. You're not new to the internet. You know what people are willing to say anonymously. Those images aren't a direct personal attack. Some of the comments are.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:55 |
That's the issue. The tools to keep him from continuing his attacks are readily available, but the Gawker higher-ups have been refusing to provide them. According to the Jezebel article people have asked repeatedly during staff meetings to add ability to ban malicious IP's from creating new accounts, but the powers that be have continually refused.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 13:56 |
I think it means you follow that person?
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But it's better than absolutely nothing. Especially with someone this committed to being terrible.
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Oh whoa that's crazy. Where is the love man
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sorry i should adjust that, Gawker media is the top authority when it comes to the individual sub blogs like Jez and their mods.
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Even then, this scum will go to an internet cafe or sign up for Gizmodo top pick Tor. Its just a matter of him deciding to stop, I don't think there is much we can do other than actually finding the person.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:01 |
If someone is that committed IP blocking will do nothing. Unless you ban an entire internet backbone which will likely affect a significant portion of the country.
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Just because awful things are directed at authors doesn't mean that the constant violent rape gifs are not also contributing to a hostile work environment, they just happen to be affecting the readers as well.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:02 |
I you follow that person there is a check mark.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:04 |
Thanks. From the way you originally worded it, "Gawker... has a much larger user base" was confusing. Jalopnik (and Oppo by extension) are part of Gawker Media, just like gawker.com, Jezebel, Gizmodo, Deadspin, Kotaku, io9, & lifehacker are.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:08 |
TMI time:
I once dated a girl who was violently raped at gunpoint by someone from her college (while I was dating her, I was at a convention on the other side of the country when it happened). For a good month or so after the attack any kind of physical contact, a tap on the shoulder, an incidental, unintentional brush against the arm would cause her to flash back so vividly that she would have a panic attack that would shut down her ability to function at all for the next few hours. After a year the flashbacks were less frequent, but she would still wind up triggered a couple times a month, with the same effect. It's been six years, but I know these gifs would still be able to set her off now. I don't know the personal histories of the women who write for Jezebel, but sadly I'd wager at least some of them have been through similar trauma (and I know many of the readers have). So yes, those images could most definitely create a hostile and traumatic environment.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:10 |
That's simple yet brilliant. Really.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:15 |
Thank you guys, for speaking up and speaking out about this. It's hard, sometimes, to feel like you're doing all of this shouting about what you feel is an obvious problem and you feel you're being met with nothing but a brick wall.
It means a lot to have you dudes on the right side (for lack of a better term).
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:19 |
...are you a wizard?
Seriously though, I agree on both parts. Sounds better than my original idea of manual approvals for burners.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:20 |
we try - we hope that Gawker Media can perhaps use Oppo as a case study on how to self regulate a sub blog properly.
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People would whine about the grey system from coming back, but I think it was great. It sucks that some quality discussions went unnoticed, but that's better than letting every troll/idiot become noticed, in my opinion.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:23 |
Whoever came up with the Grey Curtain™ system was the real wizard.
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If you could find the reason why there are sociopaths and other people who engage in antisocial behavior, then the world could get them therapy.
Because "this guy" is a sociopath.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:41 |
The grey system motivated me to have better comments and get noticed, to be honest. I was frickin' thrilled when I got a star...I actually remember the comment that earned the star, too! It was a long post about my good friend/neighbor and how he and his siblings were on the Costa Concordia when it ran aground.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 14:49 |
Exactly. If you made good comments, you got de-greyed. Even if the authors didn't do it, enough reccomends/replies could de-grey you. You could even just ask to be de-greyed, and the authors would usually oblige.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 15:30 |
![]() 08/11/2014 at 16:12 |
I'd like to consider myself a positive contributor, and I have a burner account.
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-Bring back the pink
![]() 08/11/2014 at 16:15 |
Yep. You're definitely one of the good ones
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"Report abuse" should be an option in the menu on every post, but they don't want to offer that option, because then they'd have to pay for the manpower to deal with it.
![]() 08/11/2014 at 16:21 |
It helps that we only get about 6% of the site traffic Jezebel gets, and our subject matter isn't as divisive as theirs. A lot easier to police when a site's of a manageable size :)
![]() 08/11/2014 at 17:17 |
Their job is to write articles, and yes, interact with people in the comments. But that means having a conversation with actual people.
Not sit there for hours having to look at every rape gif posted and dismiss it.